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11 STUDIO ARTS (2021)

PDB Art Project 2021


Over the Covid 19 pandemic our fabulous year 11 students from 2021 have worked with Structural Biologist Onisha Patel from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI). Through delivery of online tutorials and class room visits when permitted, she has helped students navigate the data bank to explore the beauty of molecules that interested each student on a personal level. Students generated scientific based art works that drove their curiosity to discover more through their research. It has been amazing to see the student directed learning that has taken place, in both scientific discovery and their studio practises as young artists.


Gwin Hayes

Rat Companion, Fabric, Hand dyed Wool, Jewels

PDBe code: 6lbg


Emma Solomon

270 degrees of uncertainty, triptych, Interactive Acrylic on canvas

PDBe code: 6jfv


Kasey Graham

Changing Emotion, watercolour on arches paper
PBDe code: 4zel


Mia Douglas Mueller

Have We Met, Pastel, watercolour and burnishing on plywood
PDBe Code: 5ou8


Jimin Choi

Insomnia 1, Etched laser cut acrylic, watercolour, lightbox
PDBe code: GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) - 4atq
